Kotlinの勉強がてら、Androidの公式を参考にサーバーから文字列を取得する処理を作ったのですが、 一部内容が古く修正が必要だったので、修正後のソースコードを紹介します。
1. パーミッションを追加
ネットワーク接続とネットワーク状況の取得を許可するため、 AndroidManifest に以下のパーミッションを追加します。
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
2. ヘッドレス フラグメントを実装してネットワークを介したデータ操作をカプセル化する
このヘッドレスフラグメントである NetworkFragment 上で通信処理を行います。
private const val TAG = "NetworkFragment" private const val URL_KEY = "UrlKey" class NetworkFragment : Fragment() { private var callback: DownloadCallback<String>? = null private var downloadTask: DownloadTask? = null private var urlString: String? = null companion object { /** * Static initializer for NetworkFragment that sets the URL of the host it will be * downloading from. */ fun getInstance(fragmentManager: FragmentManager): NetworkFragment { var networkFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(TAG) as? NetworkFragment if (networkFragment == null) { networkFragment = NetworkFragment() fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(networkFragment, TAG).commit() } return networkFragment } } fun setUrl(url: String) { val arg = arguments ?: Bundle() arg.putString(URL_KEY, url) arguments = arg urlString = url } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) retainInstance = true urlString = arguments?.getString(URL_KEY) } override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super.onAttach(context) // Host Activity will handle callbacks from task. callback = context as? DownloadCallback<String> } override fun onDetach() { super.onDetach() // Clear reference to host Activity to avoid memory leak. callback = null } override fun onDestroy() { // Cancel task when Fragment is destroyed. cancelDownload() super.onDestroy() } /** * Start non-blocking execution of DownloadTask. */ fun startDownload() { cancelDownload() callback?.also { downloadTask = DownloadTask(it).apply { execute(urlString) } } } /** * Cancel (and interrupt if necessary) any ongoing DownloadTask execution. */ fun cancelDownload() { downloadTask?.cancel(true) } }
DownloadCallback と DownloadTask が赤くなっていますので、これからクラスを作ります。
3. コールバックを作成
const val ERROR = -1 const val CONNECT_SUCCESS = 0 const val GET_INPUT_STREAM_SUCCESS = 1 const val PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS = 2 const val PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_SUCCESS = 3 interface DownloadCallback<T> { /** * Indicates that the callback handler needs to update its appearance or information based on * the result of the task. Expected to be called from the main thread. */ fun updateFromDownload(result: T?) /** * Get the connection manager object. */ fun getConnectivityManager(): ConnectivityManager /** * Indicate to callback handler any progress update. * @param progressCode must be one of the constants defined in DownloadCallback.Progress. * @param percentComplete must be 0-100. */ fun onProgressUpdate(progressCode: Int, percentComplete: Int) /** * Indicates that the download operation has finished. This method is called even if the * download hasn't completed successfully. */ fun finishDownloading() }
元々は上から2つ目は NetworkInfo を取得する処理でしたが、NetworkInfoクラスはAPIレベル29でDeprecatedとなりました。 代わりに ConnectivityManager を取得します。
// 変更前 fun getActiveNetworkInfo(): NetworkInfo // ↓ // 変更後 fun getConnectivityManager(): ConnectivityManager
ついでに呼び出し元のActivityに DownloadCallback インターフェース メソッド実装を追加します。
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), DownloadCallback<String> { private var networkFragment: NetworkFragment? = null private var downloading = false ... override fun updateFromDownload(result: String?) { // Update your UI here based on result of download. } override fun getConnectivityManager(): ConnectivityManager { return getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager } override fun onProgressUpdate(progressCode: Int, percentComplete: Int) { when (progressCode) { // You can add UI behavior for progress updates here. ERROR -> { } CONNECT_SUCCESS -> { } GET_INPUT_STREAM_SUCCESS -> { } PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS -> { } PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_SUCCESS -> { } } } override fun finishDownloading() { downloading = false networkFragment?.cancelDownload() } }
4. 通信用のAsynkTaskのサブクラスを作成
NetworkFragment のプライベート内部クラスとして実装します。
class NetworkFragment : Fragment() { ... /** * Implementation of AsyncTask designed to fetch data from the network. */ private class DownloadTask(callback: DownloadCallback<String>) : AsyncTask<String, Int, DownloadTask.Result>() { private var callback: DownloadCallback<String>? = null init { setCallback(callback) } internal fun setCallback(callback: DownloadCallback<String>) { this.callback = callback } /** * Wrapper class that serves as a union of a result value and an exception. When the download * task has completed, either the result value or exception can be a non-null value. * This allows you to pass exceptions to the UI thread that were thrown during doInBackground(). */ internal class Result { var resultValue: String? = null var exception: Exception? = null constructor(resultValue: String) { this.resultValue = resultValue } constructor(exception: Exception) { this.exception = exception } } /** * Cancel background network operation if we do not have network connectivity. */ override fun onPreExecute() { if (callback != null) { callback?.getConnectivityManager()?.apply { getNetworkCapabilities(activeNetwork)?.apply { if (!isConnected() || !hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI) && !hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) { // If no connectivity, cancel task and update Callback with null data. callback?.updateFromDownload(null) cancel(true) } } } } } /** * Defines work to perform on the background thread. */ override fun doInBackground(vararg urls: String): DownloadTask.Result? { var result: Result? = null if (!isCancelled && urls.isNotEmpty()) { val urlString = urls[0] result = try { val url = URL(urlString) val resultString = downloadUrl(url) if (resultString != null) { Result(resultString) } else { throw IOException("No response received.") } } catch (e: Exception) { Result(e) } } return result } /** * Updates the DownloadCallback with the result. */ override fun onPostExecute(result: Result?) { callback?.apply { result?.exception?.also { exception -> updateFromDownload(exception.message) return } result?.resultValue?.also { resultValue -> updateFromDownload(resultValue) return } finishDownloading() } } /** * Override to add special behavior for cancelled AsyncTask. */ override fun onCancelled(result: Result) {} private fun isConnected(): Boolean { callback?.getConnectivityManager()?.apply { val activeNetworks = allNetworks.mapNotNull { getNetworkCapabilities(it) }.filter { it.hasCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET) && it.hasCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_VALIDATED) } return activeNetworks.isNotEmpty() } return false } } }
NetworkInfoを使っていた部分(onPreExecute() )を以下のように修正しています。
// 変更前 override fun onPreExecute() { if (callback != null) { val networkInfo = callback?.getActiveNetworkInfo() if (networkInfo?.isConnected == false || networkInfo?.type != ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI && networkInfo?.type != ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) { // If no connectivity, cancel task and update Callback with null data. callback?.updateFromDownload(null) cancel(true) } } } // ↓ // 変更後 override fun onPreExecute() { if (callback != null) { callback?.getConnectivityManager()?.apply { getNetworkCapabilities(activeNetwork)?.apply { if (!isConnected() || !hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI) && !hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) { // If no connectivity, cancel task and update Callback with null data. callback?.updateFromDownload(null) cancel(true) } } } } } private fun isConnected(): Boolean { callback?.getConnectivityManager()?.apply { val activeNetworks = allNetworks.mapNotNull { getNetworkCapabilities(it) }.filter { it.hasCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET) && it.hasCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_VALIDATED) } return activeNetworks.isNotEmpty() } return false }
5. HttpsUrlConnection を使用したダウンロード処理を作成
DownloadTask のプライベート内部クラスとして実装します。
class NetworkFragment : Fragment() { ... private class DownloadTask(callback: DownloadCallback<String>) : AsyncTask<String, Int, DownloadTask.Result>() { ... /** * Given a URL, sets up a connection and gets the HTTP response body from the server. * If the network request is successful, it returns the response body in String form. Otherwise, * it will throw an IOException. */ @Throws(IOException::class) private fun downloadUrl(url: URL): String? { var connection: HttpsURLConnection? = null return try { connection = (url.openConnection() as? HttpsURLConnection) connection?.run { // Timeout for reading InputStream arbitrarily set to 3000ms. readTimeout = 3000 // Timeout for connection.connect() arbitrarily set to 3000ms. connectTimeout = 3000 // For this use case, set HTTP method to GET. requestMethod = "GET" // Already true by default but setting just in case; needs to be true since this request // is carrying an input (response) body. doInput = true // Open communications link (network traffic occurs here). connect() publishProgress(CONNECT_SUCCESS) if (responseCode != HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { throw IOException("HTTP error code: $responseCode") } // Retrieve the response body as an InputStream. publishProgress(GET_INPUT_STREAM_SUCCESS, 0) inputStream?.let { stream -> // Converts Stream to String with max length of 500. readStream(stream, 500) } } } finally { // Close Stream and disconnect HTTPS connection. connection?.inputStream?.close() connection?.disconnect() } } /** * Converts the contents of an InputStream to a String. */ @Throws(IOException::class, UnsupportedEncodingException::class) fun readStream(stream: InputStream, maxReadSize: Int): String? { val reader: Reader? = InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8") val rawBuffer = CharArray(maxReadSize) val buffer = StringBuffer() var readSize: Int = reader?.read(rawBuffer) ?: -1 var maxReadBytes = maxReadSize while (readSize != -1 && maxReadBytes > 0) { if (readSize > maxReadBytes) { readSize = maxReadBytes } buffer.append(rawBuffer, 0, readSize) maxReadBytes -= readSize readSize = reader?.read(rawBuffer) ?: -1 } return buffer.toString() } } }
6. NetworkFragment の呼び出しを実装する
Activityに NetworkFragment の呼び出しを実装します。
注意点としては、NetworkFragment.getInstance は OnCreate で行う必要があるようです。(通信する直前にgetInstanceしてもOnAttachが呼ばれません)
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), DownloadCallback<String> { ... override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) networkFragment = NetworkFragment.getInstance(supportFragmentManager) } private fun startDownload(url: String) { if (!downloading) { // Execute the async download. networkFragment?.apply { setUrl(url) startDownload() downloading = true } } } }
あとはActivityの通信したい箇所で startDownload() を呼べば Callback に結果が返ってきます。